Man Health

Many different aspects of health and well-being contribute to a man’s sexual health. Let’s face it, none of us are getting any younger, and as we age sometimes things slow down a bit.

Is that a bad thing, or a good thing?

It depends on how much “things are slowing down” and how you and your partner feel about that.

Sometimes it is nice to take things slow and easy and to just enjoy the ride with our partner – other times we long for those days we remember when we were like iron and indefatigable (or were we really?).

A lot of things happen to men as they age, and aging can begin as early in some cases as the mid-twenties for some guys.

Viagra, Cialis, and other PDE5 inhibiting drugs can help, but for many men there is more going on than just a deficiency of Viagra in the diet. C’mon guys, you know it – it’s not just a Viagra defieciency going on – there is more to it than that.